par FabKzo | Jan 16, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
All is in the title, as you can easily make a SVG Qrcode with the new inkscape 0.49 plugin; my goal is to animate it using SMIL so I have to show you how to implement it using the Inkscape XML editor . [nggallery id=3]
par FabKzo | Jan 14, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
That’s not a new idea, someone has already given it a name: Qrcoderoulette; the idea is to submit multiple QRCodes to the user who has to fall on the « right one » not pointing-for example- on an internet shock site, putting at risk the device scanning these...
par FabKzo | Juil 30, 2012 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
I’ve made an other Qrcode anim today: Hoping that will give ideas…