par FabKzo | Jan 25, 2015 | News, photo
Hi, I find it useful to be able to export a complete 3d scene (as a landscape) to equirectangular view; that’s a proof of work from the modeler/designer since he should make all the scene, not only a portion for the camera, and it’s a way to offer...
par FabKzo | Déc 21, 2013 | News, photo
[ Edit 11/16/2014] : I let it there for memo , but if you want fresh news go to panoramics page; the pannellum version used there is 2.0+ now. I’ve been working hard since 6 months with image stitching, and I’m quite good now at it. I use Hugin...
par FabKzo | Mai 28, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
This is a very little imaged tuto destinated to get around what seems to be a bug in Inkscape , while setting a clip on 2 objects then trying to make the resulting group a pattern. ( resulting in blank rectangles ) Bonjour aux lecteurs curieux de,...
par FabKzo | Mai 12, 2013 | Pixel drawings, Scalable.Vector.Graphics
Hi, Well I’m actually searching cool stuff concerning svg. So I’ve been searching on pypi all about SVG using pip in my terminal. for those who don’t know it on a debian system: sudo apt-get install python-pip then pip search svg You’ll find...
par FabKzo | Mar 30, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
Hey I’ve discovered a new python-based presentations engine: Hovercraft! « The merge of convenience and cool!Hovercraft! is a tool to make impress.js presentations from reStructuredText. For a quick explanation, see the demo.Features: Write your...