SMIL Animated star button

Today one little thing;  I’m preparing  something bigger . I just need more time; This is an animated star with SMIL attributes, even I know we can do it with ecmascript. So I’ve tested there a synchronisation between all elements after an interaction with...

A QRCode ‘SVG + SMIL’ based game

That’s not a new idea, someone has already given it a name: Qrcoderoulette; the idea is to submit multiple QRCodes to the user who has to fall on the « right one » not pointing-for example- on an internet shock site, putting at risk the device scanning these...

SVG rotations with SMIL

Trying something misused This is my own complete creation, made last year. I wanted to innovate and start from nothing, creating a « logo »and  a slogan I had never met. It ‘s time for me to share it, you can use it only for personnal use. Ce(tte) œuvre est mise...