(python) Playing with Pixel Art to SVG


Well I’m actually searching cool stuff concerning svg. So I’ve been searching on pypi all about SVG using pip in my terminal.

for those who don’t know it on a debian system:

sudo apt-get install python-pip


pip search svg 

You’ll find there a very nice little tool called ‘pixel2svg’

I was surprised of its interest but I consider it finally very useful : rather than trying to vectorize very little pictures ( like icons ) in Inkscape, or to completely re-do it , use it to keep the pixel-art-style  with great results.

Very simple to use, just like this:

pixel2svg.py eboy.png

I’ve taken a picture from EBOY ( http://hello.eboy.com/eboy/ ) to play with.

pixel-art ,icon size
pixel-art ,icon size

Let see the result:

resulting SVG

Then let’s play with it:

Make whatever you want now with a clean drawing



a styled pixel-art vecorized
give it the style you want

Before that I have tested the Inkscape’s vectorization tool :

Comparing pixel2svg vs inkscape's vectorization tool
Comparing pixel2svg vs inkscape’s vectorization tool


Tell me if it can also be useful to you , I wonder what you would be able to do with it 🙂

NB:  Now you can also apply this to Qrcodes . How ? Well… Have you ever tried to redirect one of them?


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