par FabKzo | Mai 12, 2013 | Pixel drawings, Scalable.Vector.Graphics
Hi, Well I’m actually searching cool stuff concerning svg. So I’ve been searching on pypi all about SVG using pip in my terminal. for those who don’t know it on a debian system: sudo apt-get install python-pip then pip search svg You’ll find...
par FabKzo | Mar 20, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
Hi there, Today I’ll just remind you Sozi’s existence , has a plugin for inkscape. That’s free and easy to use, no need to code, just do it graphically. Very nice to make « Prezi-like » presentations ; you can add video and audio if you want, but...
par FabKzo | Jan 24, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
High fashion today in the field of web design is to show that we can take advantage of the latest Webtechs by loading CSS3 effects and javascript, based on html5 . Hence the parallax effects, horizontal sites, puzzles, games, etc. … with canvas beacons…...
par FabKzo | Jan 16, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
All is in the title, as you can easily make a SVG Qrcode with the new inkscape 0.49 plugin; my goal is to animate it using SMIL so I have to show you how to implement it using the Inkscape XML editor . [nggallery id=3]
par FabKzo | Jan 14, 2013 | Scalable.Vector.Graphics
That’s not a new idea, someone has already given it a name: Qrcoderoulette; the idea is to submit multiple QRCodes to the user who has to fall on the « right one » not pointing-for example- on an internet shock site, putting at risk the device scanning these...